Saris’s Log, 8 September 1613

On this day, 400 years ago, an Englishman finally met with Tokugawa Ieyasu…

Tokugawa Ieyasu“I was carried in my Pallankin to the Castell of Surungo (where the Emperour keepth his Court) and … ledd mee into a faier roome, matted, where we sate downe crosse legged vpon the Matts. ….…Having staied about one quarter of an hower, worde was brought that the Emperour was come forth. Then they rose vpp, and ledd me betwixt then vnto the dore of the room where the Emperour was, makinge signed to me that I should enter in there, but durst not look in them selues. The Present sent from our king to the Emperour, as also thouse (which according to the custome of the countrie) I gave unto the Emperour as from my self, were placed in the saide room vppon Matts verie orderlie before the Emperour came into it. Cominge to the Emperour, accordinge to our English complements, I delivered our kinges letter vnto his Maiestie, whoe tooke it in his hand and putt in vpp towardes his forehead, and commanded his Interpertour whoe state a good distance from him behind, to will Mr Adams to tell me that I was welcome from a wearisome Iourney, that I should take my rest for a daie of two, and then his aunswer should be readie for our kinge.”

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