Extract from Saris’s Log, 10th July 1613

The Executioner… Three more were executed, as the former, for stealing of a woman from Firando, and selling her at Langasacque long since, two of them were Bretheren, and the other a sharer with them. When anie are to be … Continued

Extract from Saris’s Log, 8th July 1613

a cruel sport… Three Iapons were executed, vit., 2 men, and one woman. The cause was this; The woman (none of the honestest) her husband being travelled from home, she appointed these two theire severall howers … … … The … Continued

Extract from Saris’s Log, 7th July 1613

In which they entertain an ‘especiall frinde’ of the local ‘Kinge’ and show off their ship.. The kinge of the Island Goto, not farr from Firando, came to visitt king Foyne, saying that hee had heard of an excellent English … Continued

Extract from Saris’s Log, 1st July 1613

..fighting talk….Two of our Companie happened to quarrell the one with the other, and were verie likelie to haue gone into the field, to the endangeringe of vs all.  For it is a custome heere, that whoesoever drawes a weapon … Continued

Extract from Saris’s Log, 29th June 1613

..in which they meet Dutch traders and hear of the reputation of the English on the high seas.. A Soma or Iunck of the Fleminges arived at Langasque from Syam laden with Brasill wood and Skinness of all sortes, wherein … Continued

Extract from Saris’s Log, 21st June 1613

We rejoin the Log to discover the precarious fate that befell female actors of the time… “The oulde kinge came a boarde agayne, and brought with him diverse women to be frolick.  These woemen were actors of Commedies, which passe … Continued


ちょうど400年前に英国の船が初めて日本に到着した6月11日、当時の日本での英国の経験を振り返る特別講演会が駐日英国大使館で開かれました。 Professor Timon Screech and British Ambassador Tim Hitchens with a replica of John Saris’ diary   A special lecture was given at the British Embassy Tokyo on 11 June – exactly 400 years to the day since the arrival … Continued

